
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Another Cultural Difference

The other day as I was teaching my kiddos I had the younger ones doing an educational game on the computer by me.  I overheard one of the questions...."Who helps keep your neighborhood safe?"  My ears perked up as I knew this could be interesting.  My little girls started blurting out answers:  "The dog."  "The guard."  "The walls."  Then the answer came on the computer..."The policeman".  My kids looked at each other dumbfounded and said..."Huh?".  Guess that software was made for the USA. 


Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Hahaha! That's hilarious! Obviously I trust the police in the US more than the police in Cocha, but I'm still not sure your kid's "dog" answer would be wrong!!!

Caris said...

I love the humor you get out of your kids' great quotes!!!! =)

Joe Holman said...

It is so true. Our kids have no concept of police like that in the States...nor emergency workers, firemen, paramedics...

Police to keep you safe? What a novel idea!