Our pastor and family took a much deserved vacation a couple of weeks ago. He asked Joe to preach for him while they were gone. Joe decided he wanted to preach in Spanish and not have a translator. This was his first time to do that. A big deal. Now our pastor and his wife are going to a conference in Venezuela so Joe will be preaching in Spanish again this week. Our church has one Sunday morning Spanish service and one English service; we also have a Sunday night service as well as a Thursday night service. So what this means is Joe, being Joe, plunged right in. He went from never preaching in Spanish to doing 6 different Spanish sermons and 2 English ones within a couple of weeks. Crazy boy. He did a good job and I´m very proud of him. I'm still at the "My-name-is-Denise-I-have-11-children-I-don't-speak-Spanish-very-well-but-I'm-trying" stage. That's okay because once I get to the I have 11 children part of the conversation they don't hear anything else I say. :^) Actually whenever we tell anyone we have once (the Spanish word for 11....pronounced ¨own-say¨) children they just think we don´t know our numbers very well. So we end up saying....¨Yes, eleven, ten plus one¨. But I digress. A missionary friend asked me to speak for a few short minutes this week at a parenting conference for young moms in her church. Joe has inspired me and I´m going to give it a shot in Spanish. You can definitely pray for me!!
Before the service we were goofing around. Here´s Mercy´s first Spanish sermon....
WOW!! I'm impressed with Joe's Spanish accomplishments, although I'm not really surprised. He's always been a smart one!! You are brave to attempt your talk in spanish; I'll be praying for you.
I heard from the Alseth family that he did an EXCELLENT job and the preaching wasn't half bad, either. ;-)
Sorry I couldn't come...sometimes those church responsibilities just get in the way. And thank you so much for all the invitations to come over while my family was gone! Unfortunately my "free time", if any, comes around 11 or 12 at night at which point I just want to crash and others are normally in bed, ha!
Just to set the record straight...after I posted this blog Angie told me they were going to Peru not Venezuela. OOPS! Maybe it was prophecy. Anyway, you guys have a great time no matter where you are Angie and DaRonn! Happy Anniversary!
Wow! Preaching and teaching all in Spanish - that's awesome!
Gloria C
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