When our oldest son Seth was born almost 20 years ago our dear friends Duane and Pam Falk gave him the outfit you see pictured below. We had Seth´s picture taken in it when he was 10 days old. A few months later Jake was born and we took him to have his picture made in the outfit when he was 11 days old and so a tradition was born. Since then we´ve had all our kids picture taken in the outfit except David. David was 3 when he came home to live with us so he didn´t fit into it. I seriously considered trying to cram him into it, but I didn´t want him to hate me later. :^) In order to remedy the situation of not having David´s picture in the outfit I took a picture of him holding Mercy in it. We even made Josh wear it even though he was 6 months old when he came home and almost a year old when we had the picture made. Good thing he was tiny.
The outfit has faded over the years, but it´s become such a part of our family that we even brought it along with us to Bolivia just in case we needed it and sure enough we did. In fact it is the ONLY baby outfit we brought with us. Enjoy the pictures of the Holman kids in "the outfit". Also at the bottom I´ve included pictures of Joe as a toddler and me as a baby so you can see where they all get their good looks from. :^)

Seth 1989

Jake 1990

Caleb 1992

Ben 1994

David 2008 (but born in 1996)

Josh 1999 (born in 1998)

Faith 1999

Hope 2001

Joy 2003

Patience 2004

Mercy 2008

Joe 1965 (but born in 1963)

Denise 1966
What a fun tradition! I loved all the pictures :)
Love all the pictures! What great memories! :)
Wow! What a fun tradition. I loved seeing all the baby pictures of your kiddos. So precious!
mom! i think you forgot, we did take a pic of David and the outfit, i think it was the first wk we got him! he was holding a teddy bear that had the outfit on!
do you remember now? or did you never forget.... haha
let me know
i love and miss you guys!
I think I rember this outfit. We were both going to Rehoboth when Seth was born.
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