
Monday, October 29, 2007

Prayer Day

Yesterday was a great day all around. We had a wonderful time worshipping our Savior at church, and participating in the baby dedication I wrote about below. Then we came home and I made a taco salad. Joe and I and the two youngest took an hour nap then it was off to our monthly Prayer Day with our fellow SIM missionaries. I always enjoy Prayer Day. It's great to get together and spend time praying for one another, for our ministries and for Bolivia. Two of the requests that my group prayed for were two women. One has gone back to a life of prostitution after having been mentored by a missionary and out of the lifestyle for a while. She has three children. The missionary sharing this story said she talked with a fellow missionary who works with prostitutes and on average it takes 6 times of 'quitting' prostitution before the woman really stays out of it for good. The other woman has gone back to an abusive relationship. Physical abuse is very common here in Bolivia. I often see women with black eyes, broken noses, various bruises and broken bones. These are some of the kinds of requests that we pray for at Prayer Day. I love that the motto of SIM is "By Prayer" and I especially love that they mean it. On Prayer Day we get to spend two hours just worshipping and praying together. What a blessing! I was going to take my camera and take pictures to post here, but it had a dead battery after our big Saturday. Maybe next time! I'm thankful to be a part of a missions family that prays together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Denise love all the pics and especially the 'Zales!' :) Thanks for sharing.