One of the two main streets of the market. Each Saturday morning the street is transformed into a market and by sundown it is turned back into a street.
The "Payless Shoes" part of the market
The "Zales Jewerly Store"
The "Petsmart" of the market
The Meat Section
After the market we decided to check out on of the parks here in the city where you must pay to enter. Since you have to pay to enter they are much safer than neighborhood parks...much fewer sharp metal edges and less broken glass. :>)
Look at how tall this slide is!! That's a long way down for Patience. I even tried it.
Fun on the Merry Go Round
Me and David
Faith and Hope surveying their kingdom
The older boys on pedal go-karts... you can ride go-karts and exercise at the same time.
David showing his tricks on the skateboard he got for his birthday.
Caleb getting risky with the skateboard. (Big surprise...not!)
So guess who had to get in on it all!
Joy and Patience on the swings
Ben riding a dinosaur
Josh in good ole red, white and blue
The ice cream lady made a big sale with us
It was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Everyone was thirsty (see all the empty cups being thrust toward me?) but I took over the bottle. :>)
P.S. One more day passed before I finished this entry. Saturday night I did wake up a few times thinking about the above scorpion. Then, Sunday night when I was going to bed there was a huge spider on the wall of my room. More and more I'm not liking the idea of sleeping on the floor. :>( I love what Mrs. Gregory (Steve and Susie's mom) told me after her many years on the mission field. She said people used to say to her "I could never be a missionary because I don't like spiders, bugs, scorpions and snakes." She would just smile, but she said she was thinking "Like I do?! I don't like them either! I'm not here because I love spiders and snakes, but because this is where God called me!". Well, I don't like them either, but it's just one of the small sacrifices we are called to make in order to do what God has called us to. Last night Joe prayed for me to be able to sleep well and not think too much about the creepy crawlies. God answered and I slept fine. This week, however, I'll be looking for a good fumigator though. :>) Any names, Angie?
1 comment:
What a fun day!
You are really adjusting to the culture... you have exchanged the trusty old yellow pages for the ask a friend option. :-)
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