Here´s a pic of our new calafone (gas hot water heater). Note the tank it is connected to. We have discovered that our family will use more than one of these tanks a week between showers, baths, and washing dishes. I am so grateful to have hot water for washing dishes though. Maybe now we will stay a little healthier for a while.
The tanks are easy to have refilled. Either we can walk a block to the tienda down the street and trade it for a full one (along with about $3 for the gas) or we can listen for the truck coming by that sells them. We can hear them coming because they use a wrench to bang on an empty tank to let us know they are on the way. Kind like an old fashioned ice cream truck. Our garbage pick up does the same thing, except it is at 6:00 a.m. Who wants to take out the trash then? But you can´t set it out any sooner because the packs of dogs on our street would have a feast.
guess you can't really have music announcing the arrival of the gas truck. Banging on the tank is better than smelling them before you see them! Miss you, dearest friends! Can't wait to see you and hug you :)
My friend here went to language school in Peru and she said that they did play music and each service played a different one. The trash truck played the national anthem, the gas truck something else, etc. etc. Now that´s a pretty good idea. Here they aren´t that organized. Here they also sell fruit and newspapers by going down the street yelling out what they have. It´s fun to hear my kids playing and doing the same thing....¨Papaya, Papaya, Sandia, Sandia, Mandarina, Platano¨. It´s not so funny written down, but very cute to see them do it. ;^) We are so looking forward to seeing you too!!!
Oh man! I can totally hear your kids yelling ¨mandarina, naranja, platano, mandarina, naranja¨as they play! Sometimes I don´t even hear the vendors because I´ve gotten used to ignoring them! It´s funny what kids pick up on...
Oh and I´m a little jealous of the hot water heater you have!
I suggest you make the text color on your blog white instead of black - the black on purple is very difficult to read
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