
Monday, March 2, 2009

Another One...

On Saturday we were spending some time with my mom at the park before she had to go back to the States. (More on that later.) Patience found some toadstools that she thought were mushrooms. My mom was explaining the difference to her and told her that she couldn´t eat toadstools that she picks in the park. Right then Joy came up and picked one. Patience quickly told her...."Don´t eat that! It´s no good. It´s tofu." (hehe) Joe and I fell over laughing although he tends to agree with her assessment.


Anonymous said...

Your blog looks darling, Denise.

Patience is hilarious!

The Holmans In Bolivia said...

Thanks Angie, I got the background from the site Beth told me about. I really like it too. Patience cracks me up on a daily basis. I think I´ll keep her around. ;^)

Janice Phillips said...

Precious and so funny. I'm w/Joe and Patience on the tofu thing.

Anonymous said...

I love the way your blog looks... so pretty!

Thanks for sharing and giving us a good laugh :)

Jenny Holsinger