He told everyone here that he was going to shave it off as soon as I came back. He assumed I wouldn't like it since I generally prefer him to be clean shaven. However I did/do like it. He's gotten mixed reviews. It seems the younger crowd of our kids' friends like it. They say it makes him look younger. Some of the older crowd think it makes him look older and a few have told that it's a bit gray, so now he's thinking of shaving it off. I thought I'd give you an opportunity to weigh in with an opinion. We'll let you know in the coming days what he decides. So stay tuned.
It looks AWESOME!
Keep it. You look daring and adventurous.
Ya never know what will happen when you leave the boys alone. ....
I think he should keep it for awhile... he can always shave it later.
I'm like you, Denise. I generally don't go for any kind of facial hair. But you know.....I actually like it. It almost makes Joe look sophisticated.....almost. :)
Janice, I agree...of course I think he always looks awesome. Why is it that men get better looking and we just look older? I agree with you too, Becky. Good way to put it...daring and adventurous. Fits his personality. MJ, wait until I blog about all the other things 'the boys' did while I was gone...like Joe letting them set their hands on fire. The beard and moustache are tame by comparison. :>) I figure (like you) that he can always shave. He has a month and a half invested in it, so I want him to be sure. So I'm trying to talk him out of any hasty decision. Jeanette, I NEVER thought I'd say that I liked a beard on anyone, much less someone I love to kiss everyday, but I do on him. Life has some surprises for me yet. :>) As for Joe, he's liking all the attention (big surprise) and positive comments he's gotten from you guys. And Angie votes for whatever I want....thanks, friend. That's what Joe wants too, whatever I want. So much pressure!! Any other comments out there?
I think it looks good. If you like it he should keep it. I do think it makes him look older .
Also, I wanted to say thank you so much for visiting me in the hospital while you were back here. It meant so much that you spent some of your precious time with me. Also, Thank you so much for your prayers! They mean more to me than anyone could ever know !!
we are praying for you guys .
Melissa Thomas
OK, I like it alright, but I'm biased because my boys have or have facial hair at one time or another, but I do think it makes him look older. But hey, we are older! It's about time he caught up with the rest of us!
Joe, TOTALLY keep the goatee, it looks almost as cute as Todd's. Love it!
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