
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

An Update on Joy, Jake and Seth

Several people have been asking about these 3 of our kiddos so I thought I'd take this opportunity to update you all. Joy is alive and well. She has totally recovered. We are trying to get a nebulizer sent down from the States because the doc said this is likely to happen again. In the States she usually got pneumonia once a year or so. I'm not sure if this is because she had RSV when she was not quite a year old or if she got RSV because she is susceptible to this kind of respiratory/chest infections. Anyway, right now she is her old happy self. Of all of our kids she is probably the best named. I told her the other day that she is so full of joy that she even was smiling in her sleep.

Jake is doing much better as well. He still has a slight limp. He is finished with physical therapy but is continuing to do the exercises at home they taught him. As a side note...on the day that Jake got his crutches he asked if he could go with Caleb and some friends and climb the Christo (the famous statue of Christ in Coch that is inches higher than the one in Rio de Janeiro). It has approximately 2000 steps that are of course not to code. (What code?) Me, being the mean mom that I am, said no. Anyway as you can see from this story the accident didn't slow him down much. As I type this he, Caleb and Ben are at La Palabra de Vida (the Word of Life) camp with approximately 700 other Bolivians. I'm sure they are having a great time.

Now, on to Seth. Seth is doing well in the US living with my parents. He has two jobs and is saving money for college and trying to decide where he'd like to go to school. My parents are thrilled to have him back there. We miss him terribly here, but I'm glad he is with them. I think it's good for all of them. Thanksgiving, Christmas and his 19th birthday (January 1) were all hard days to be so far from him. We are thankful to live in an age of computer information and Skype....with our webcam we are even able to see him. Yea for technology!!

I also wanted to one more time thank all of you who prayed for us during those trying and tiring days. God was faithful to answer your prayers and heal our kiddos. Also thank you to all who gave money to offset our extra medical costs. We are grateful for your generous hearts. Please continue to pray for us all including Seth back there in the States.

Here's a pic of SOME of the meds that Joy and Jake were on back in November. Joy had at five meds she was taking each day and Jake got a total of 18 shots. YUCK! We're all glad those days are behind us.


laura said...

Denise... we just got back to the states and I'm so sorry you guys have had such a time of it lately! I was going to let you know that I'm almost positive that the medical equipment store in the first floor of our building has nebulizers... it's worth a look at least. I think you have my email but if not comment on my blog or let me know if I can help you find our building to see if they have something that could help. We use them for alot of the medical equipment stuff that you can't find in other places. God bless you guys and please do let me know if we can help at all...

Anonymous said...

Praise God for the Improvement! Thanks for the update. And wish you could send a little of that rain to our drought land. :) Thankfully, we did get snow flurries :) and a real and cold rain yesterday.

Anonymous said...

The Lucky One ... signing off :) God Bless!