That means ´one more time´ or ´again´. Since I last posted we have had LOTS going on. Joe, Mercy and I went back to the States...AGAIN! Twice in one month. Mercy is really racking up the frequent flier miles....almost 20,000 this month....if only we got credit for the miles of a lap child. ;^) Personally I think we should get double miles for having to hold her. No, really she was a great traveler. Here is a picture of her and Joe on our final leg back from Santa Cruz to Cochabamba....
It looks like she got her nap on the overnight flight from Miami, but Joe didn´t. She´s such an easy baby she was able to entertain herself with a plastic cup and an airsick empty one of course.
The reason for our 2nd visit was a sad one. Joe´s dad passed away. He had cancer in his lungs from working with asbestos for many years, yet we all thought he had some more time. He was in the hospital, but was scheduled to be going home. He passed in the early morning hours of July 21 which also happened to be mine and Joe´s 25th wedding anniversary. (More on that on another post.) It was good that we were able to go back to Texas and be with Joe´s brothers and sister at this time. It was good to see Joe´s family and also some great friends there in Texas. My parents drove down from West Virginia for the memorial service and so we got to spend some time with them as well. More spoiling for Mercy. Can she ever recover?

The reason for our 2nd visit was a sad one. Joe´s dad passed away. He had cancer in his lungs from working with asbestos for many years, yet we all thought he had some more time. He was in the hospital, but was scheduled to be going home. He passed in the early morning hours of July 21 which also happened to be mine and Joe´s 25th wedding anniversary. (More on that on another post.) It was good that we were able to go back to Texas and be with Joe´s brothers and sister at this time. It was good to see Joe´s family and also some great friends there in Texas. My parents drove down from West Virginia for the memorial service and so we got to spend some time with them as well. More spoiling for Mercy. Can she ever recover?
Jake and Caleb once again stepped up and took care of things here at home in our absence. We have great kids and are so blessed that they are trustworthy and can hold down the fort without us. We also have great friends who came over and brought meals. Other friends took the youngers to the park, a Patch the Pirate night, to visit the orphanage, and other such diversions to give both the younger kiddos and the older kiddos a break. Thank you all, friends for showing your love visibly in our absence. You truly blessed our family.