My Dad grabbed Mercy right when we came off the plane.
Here is my mom and Seth who is already holding his sissy.

Lots of kisses from a brother who has never held her before. So, now he´s making up for it by not letting go.

More Bubba kisses

My birthday lunch at Cheesecake Factory.

Joe enjoying his ´precious´...a real cup of Starbucks. His first on this trip, but certainly not his last.
We got up relatively early Sunday morning since Joe was preaching at our home church. It was sooooo good to be at Blue Ridge Bible Church and get to visit with so many of our friends there. There just wasn´t enough time (the reoccurring theme of our trip)! Joe preached (a great sermon I might add) and I gave a testimony about how in our early days here in Coch I learned to depend once again completely on God as I realized that He was indeed all I had, but truly all I needed. I had asked Tom to sing the song ¨Rescue Me¨ by Newsong to go along with what I had to say. He did an awesome job. Thanks, Tom. And thank you Jack for letting us speak especially when I know you would´ve loved to after so much time gone recently. It was so good to worship together with you all.
Mercy with my sweet friend Karen Gill.
More loving from Seth at church.
Mercy with her new friend Sarah....the Jacobs´ newest daughter.
Worshipping together was great!!
What a wonderful group of people...all in one amazing place. (Can ya tell I like it there with them?)
It was so good to be there with you.
Sadly Friday came too soon and we had to pack up and head out. With left with our hearts full...overflowing even, but wanting just a little more time with our friends at Sandy Cove. On the way home that afternoon we went to Jimmy Buffet´s Cheeseburger in Paradise (more good food!) and then we stopped in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for a fun show of music through the years. Mercy danced and clapped away in my lap and my parents had more fun watching her than the production. It was another late night and we got in bed around 2:oo a.m. The next day my mom and I went shopping in order to fill my suitcase with all kinds of goodies from the States and Joe flew to St. Louis to preach at the one of our supporting churches that just happens to be the church of some of our favorite friends, Ron and Debi (or however she is spelling it now ;^)) Cathcart. (Love ya, Debi and wish I could have seen you too....only 2 more years). Joe had a good time spending the 4th of July weekend with their family. Mom, Mercy, and I heard the Fourth of July fireworks in Leesburg from inside the local Target. ;^) I figure I see plenty of fireworks in Bolivia and there aren´t any Targets there so I had to make a choice. I choose wisely. I am thankful for my mom´s help and stamina and Mercy´s I´m-just-happy-to-be-here attitude through 2 full days of shopping.
Here is Mercy sporting one of her many 4th of July outfits that her spoiling Grandparents bought for her.
Joe was supposed to fly back on Sunday afternoon, but his flight was cancelled. The good people of American Airlines told him they had re-booked him on the same flight the next afternoon around 4:00. He promptly told them that wouldn´t work since we were supposed to be on yet another flight back to Bolivia at that time. Thankfully they got him on a later flight into another airport, but at least he made it back. My dad picked him up and they got home around 2:00 a.m. where I was still packing all the treasures I had bought the last two days. We went to bed around 4:00 a.m., got up the next morning and stumbled to the airport to have a farewell lunch with my Seth and my parents. A few final hugs and kisses and we were off to Bolivia.
A final nap in my mom´s arms
We ate more good food at the DC International Airport at Friday´s...the real deal....not the Cochabamba imitation version known as ¨Tuesdays¨. Joe laughed at me because I was already trying to plan and see if we had enough time to eat at Chili´s in the Miami airport.
Mercy sucking her toes in the Miami airport waiting for our overbooked flight. Yes, every seat was taken. No sleeping on the way home, either. At least not for me or Joe. Mercy slept fine in my lap.

Mercy was a great traveler. She didn´t cry one bit on the entire more than 8,000 mile round trip journey. I didn´t either, but she was much happier overall than I was.
It all was way too fast and we wish we would´ve had more time with everyone, but we are so thankful that we got to come. We just wanted/needed to get back to our kiddos as quickly as possible. They did an awesome job of taking care of themselves and each other. Mercy was glad to be home to her ´peeps´ as were.

Here I am back at home reading the kiddos a book I brought back with me...¨The Monster at the End of This Book¨. It was a favorite of my older kids when they were little. Everyone sat around and listened while I read it 3 times that day.