Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The US Doesn´t Have Everything...
Last night we went out to dinner with our dear, dear friends the Carl and Glenda. They moved to Coch a couple of weeks before we did to be with and help out their daughter (our friend Jennifer) who started an orphanage here. So we´re kinda like foxhole buddies. We´ve gotten really tight, really fast. I don´t know what we´ll do when they leave our little foxhole. We truly enjoy their company. Anyway we had a great time out at dinner as usual. Afterwards we went out for ice cream and were walking around a plaza in town. We were looking at and listening to the singing Christmas lights. The music is not syncronized so personally I think they sound just like the screaming eels in The Princess Bride....truly. Anyway. Carl said something to the affect of "You won´t find these in the US". That started a quick conversation about things that the US doesn´t have.
Of course I love America, but there is much to be said for living in a place that isn´t so corrupted by perfectionism, efficiency, tort law, and materialism.
Of course I love America, but there is much to be said for living in a place that isn´t so corrupted by perfectionism, efficiency, tort law, and materialism.
- Like here in Bolivia we can have any kind of fireworks anytime we like to celebrate anything from a birthday or a futball victory to Christmas or Tia Maria´s recovery from her hangnail surgery or even just because we had a few extra bolivianos (our currency) to spend. We all agreed that is just plain ole fun.
- Also we don´t have to hurry up and eat when we go out to dinner. We can sit at the same table all night and no one will be upset. Not other patrons, no the waiter, no one. In fact we have to find our waiter to get him to bring the check.
- We can buy juice in a plastic bag. In fact the other day Joe got some take out chicken and ordered two liters of lemonade and they gave it to him in a plastic bag. Less waste. Here´s his pic with that lemonade.
- When we have a traffic accident we can usually work it out between the drivers without having to call the police. If you are driving in the left hand lane and you need to turn right, no problem. The other drivers will be looking out in case you do.
- You can carry anything you want from a living room suite to three goats in a taxi across town for 1.50.
- You can set up a booth selling newspapers, cokes, or whatever you have in the middle of the traffic circle.
- If you want to have a private party and you need some extra room all you have to do is park your car sideways on the street, set up some tables, and have at it. The people who are driving down the road will figure it out and go down the wrong way on the opposite side of the street. (This even happens on four lane roads.)
- You can stop and eat lunch in the middle of an intersection (literally IN THE MIDDLE) where someone has set up plastic table and chairs.
- If you have a party, you can crank your music as loud as you want for as late as you want. All the neighbors let it slide knowing that they too will have a party soon.
- You can cram more than 20 people in a small van (think: shared taxi) and go across town for 25 cents.
- Sick? Need some meds? Go to the pharmacy and get whatever you need over the counter from pain killers to antibiotics.
- Want to open up a restuarant? Open up your garage and set up some tables. You can cook it all in your own kitchen.

These things and many more we can do. Personally, I like this way of life.
How I Spent My Christmas Vacation
We had a down pour on Christmas Day and our house flooded in the afternoon. Here are some of the pics of our excitement....

The Bucket Brigade trying to get the water level down so it won´t flood our living room anymore.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures!! (guestblog by Joe....who meant to upload this to his blog not mine)

I just heard the kids upstairs. They dug out the old atari that we have and hooked it up and are playing pitfall harry. They are having a blast...and Denise can beat them! (She was pitfall Harriet when we were dating, unbeatable in the forest).
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas Adam
Today Seth called to wish us a "Merry Christmas Adam". That is what our family calls today...the day before Christmas Eve...because Adam came before Eve. Get it? Anyway, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas Adam and will have a wonderful Christmas Eve and a great Christmas Day as well.
All I Want for Christmas...

My how things have changed. You know what two of my children (one of them a teenager) asked for as Christmas gifts this year? Yep, that´s right......PopTarts. Now PopTarts are considered a treat and a luxury. Something that was pretty commonplace for us in the States has risen to Christmas present status. Shhh! Don´t tell them, but we bought them each their own box (at almost $5 a box!).
Coffee Mates Christmas Party
I meet with a great group of gals as often as we can for coffee and conversation. Usually it´s about twice a month unless one of us needs it more. :^) I am so grateful for these friends who have really been a treat to have in my life this past year. They are all missionaries too and I feel like they understand what I´m going through. I´m the newbie missionary of the group even though I´m by far the oldest. :^) They´ve been there for me through good days and bad ones too. Thank you, girlies. I love you!
My friend, Angie, calls us ´caffinaries´ so as to not be outdone I came up with a name for them too. These gals are my ´coffee mates´.
We all got together last night at my house with husbands included for a Christmas party. It was lots of fun as usual carrying on with them. We missed Beth and Kevin who are in the States for Christmas and Julie and Josh who weren´t able to make it. I´ll show you pics of them another time.
My friend, Angie, calls us ´caffinaries´ so as to not be outdone I came up with a name for them too. These gals are my ´coffee mates´.
We all got together last night at my house with husbands included for a Christmas party. It was lots of fun as usual carrying on with them. We missed Beth and Kevin who are in the States for Christmas and Julie and Josh who weren´t able to make it. I´ll show you pics of them another time.
Update on the Tadpoles
Joe checked out the situation and found out that they were mosquito larva that were growing in our outside sink. Welp, at least they weren´t in the house. :^)
Joy Became a Christian!!!!
Hip Hip Hooray!!! Joy became a Christian...on my mom´s birthday no less (December 5). Cool present for Grandma.
Joe and I had the great priviledge to talk to her and pray with her about this big decision. You can read the story on his blog. (joe-holman.blogspot.com) Now we´re looking into when and where she can be baptized.
Today she was leaving our room and before she closed the door she said "I love you and God, but God the mostest".
Joe and I had the great priviledge to talk to her and pray with her about this big decision. You can read the story on his blog. (joe-holman.blogspot.com) Now we´re looking into when and where she can be baptized.
Today she was leaving our room and before she closed the door she said "I love you and God, but God the mostest".
Monday, December 22, 2008
"Did You Know We Had Tadpoles In Our Sink?"
A quote heard from Joy just a minute ago. Joe is checking it out now. Will update the findings later.
Monday, December 1, 2008
James Bond in Bolivia

Anyway, back to the movie. I won´t comment on the political aspects of the movie. I wanna talk about the physical parts of the movie. There definitely are NO roads here that look like those. The roads in the movie were wide, paved and had painted stripes. Haven´t seen those here. The taxis and the buses in the movie were all clean and without wild paint jobs and the blessings of Pachi Mama and/or the Catholic church. That´s different. Also, no one was trying to hawk their wares. And every thing was really clean. Very different.
I found a Panama travel website that was upset that Panama was used to represent Bolivia. The author said Panama City was a boom town and Bolivia is an economic mess and they are nothing alike. You can read more of the comparison for yourself here:
I find it amusing that they didn´t want to appear to be like Bolivia in any way. Pretty funny stuff.
I love Bolivia....warts and all as they say. I hope one day you all will get a chance to see it for yourselves.
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